
What We Do

Village & Castle Communications is the premier destination for actionable insights and advice on brand and reputation around environmental, social and governance challenges.

We help senior executives at international midsize infrastructure firms manage environmental, social, and governance reputation issues to mitigate short-term risk and create long-term stakeholder value.

We have protected clients’ reputation at more than 30 high-stakes projects in infrastructure and oil, gas & mining, including directing media and stakeholder outreach around the $300M World Bank Group investment in the 1,000 km Chad-Cameroon pipeline traversing multiple African conflict regions.

We help investors in infrastructure projects & companies generate higher financial returns by preemptively identifying and managing reputation challenges among global investment portfolios and position brands long-term.

Among extensive PR work for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and other investors, we have advised the leadership of an Asian private equity fund on proactive messaging around improved environmental and social oversight over one of its portfolio companies, a Vietnamese rubber plantation operator, to ease public pressure and secure investment success.